Erasmus + project:
Towards Industry 5.0 – challenges, good practices and lessons learned from Industry 4.0 (READY 4/5)
Project no.: 2022-2-PL01-KA210-VET-000092428
KA210-VET Strategic Partnership
OBJECTIVE: The READY4I5 project will likely increase the awareness of and stress the need to take into consideration and possibly implement the rules of Industry 4.0/5.0 to help organisations gain competitive advantage through the following planned DETAILED OBJECTIVES:
(1) Creating a transnational project consortium and developing a network for transnational cooperation facilitating the exchange of experiences and know-how among different types of organisations involved in Industry 4.0/5.0 education;
(2) Facilitating the exchange of good practices in the field of Industry 4.0/5.0 implementation; and
(3) Helping target groups increase the awareness of Industry 4.0/5.0 and creating more opportunities for professional development by boosting their knowledge and building their skills in the field of Industry 4.0/5.0 – this will be achieved through a survey carried out among specific target groups (enterprises and individuals) and dissemination of the results of analyses of case studies concerning successful implementation of Industry 4.0 and plans as regards the implementation of Industry 5.0, selected by target groups (at least 5 case studies per country).
Project Coordinator: Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Innowacji i Edukacji (Poland)
The main goal of the Association for Innovation and Education (AFIE) is to promote innovative ways of vocational education and training, focusing on increasing the effectiveness and attractiveness of teaching methods, as well as bringing learning outcomes closer to the needs and requirements of the labour market by improving competences and professional qualifications.
The scientific and research activity includes works in the field of VET and the development of modern technologies of VET, including the Emerging Industry 4.0 trends/impacts, due to realised RU projects. Implemented projects concern the development of research methods for labour pedagogy, inc. occupational research, comparative studies of EU VET systems and EU instruments supporting formal and non-formal and informal education.
It brings together 17 members. Supporting members (20 professionals) are research workers representing such disciplines as pedagogy, vocational counsellors and VET teachers and trainers.
Tartu Rakenduslik Kolledž (Estonia)
Tartu Vocational College is vocational and adult education center in Estonia offering a wide range of learning opportunities. They have more than 3000 students participating in initial or continuous vocational studies as well as for about 3000 adults in professional courses annually. They provide the great opportunity to study more than 50 professions and practical skills in areas of IT, culinary, construction, business, industrial technology, car repair, tourism and beauty.
Training 2000 (Italy)
TRAINING 2000 is a VET centre certified in the Marche Region for regional training, operating in vocational education activities and adult education courses, consulting and training in companies, training of trainers and teachers in schools. It organizes training courses in the areas of ICT, social integration, entrepreneurship, ICT for migrants, integration of disadvantaged groups for employment, eco-tourism, sustainable environment, new methodologies in teaching and learning (distance learning), community development and healthy life style (mental well-being, active ageing and food habits). Training 2000 is a “Certified centre for training” in the Marche region and cooperates in Regional and European networks of different actors: Employment Offices, Trade Unions, National association of SMEs (C.N.A) , Associations of seniors and migrants, public libraries in the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, Municipality of Fano, Public offices, Universities of Urbino and Ancona.
The result of the activity will help improve the awareness of the selected companies to support the adoption of Industry 4.0/5.0 by SMEs through the implementation of new and better projects. The results of the study visits will be the knowledge on how the companies in Italy, Estonia and Poland go towards the transformation of Industry 4.0/5.0. They will share best practices which will be later on included in the common compendium. A practical result in form of Industry 4.0/5.0 compendium prepared in English and national languages of partner countries and available online on the project’s website, partner institutions’ websites and Facebook. Apart from good practices and case studies in Industry 4.0/5.0 implementation, the compendium will also contain conclusions from case studies conducted by project partners and surveys carried out in the project, a word bank, and a bank of exercises on Industry 4.0/5.0 implementation.